Chapter 79. A couple of rough things I must throw down.
It's a proper go at edu-tainment this week, by which I mean that this weeks chapter of TCD aims to inform as it entertains, or even entertains whilst trying to inform. To be honest I am not sure which way around it should be, the point is we were shooting for both.
So how does it inform I hear you cry.
How many times can you work a reasonable gag, before you have to let it go. And if you can't stand to give up on it, how much longer before it stands a reasonable chance of becoming a catchphrase. These are the issues that TCD is not afraid to tackle head-on.
Oh, and we also witter on about my collab with Swedish prog royalty Isildurs Bane and the project that became Colours Not Found in Nature.
And that folks is what TCD does best, although I don't know what it is.
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The Invisible Man Volume 1: 1991-1997