Episode 212

Published on:

17th Jun 2024

Chapter 212. Gums and misery

It’s the end of an era, sort of.

Back on the 27th April, 2020 the first episode proper of TCD (sorry, Lucy) was published and we have been chucking them out every week for well over four years.

But with 212 that streak comes to an end, because as of next week we are changing our cadence. 

I don’t think either of us expected to still be doing this after 50 episodes, let alone 200, and of course life has moved on bringing more pressure on diaries and the time available to keep the content coming. And because we want to ensure we continue to provide extra stuff for the Purple community we have decided to make TCD a fortnightly release, and produce patron-only bits in the weeks in-inbetween.

So if you have been contemplating Purpleness then maybe now is the time, and if not we now recommend listening to each episode twice, a week apart, because if you are anything like me you will have forgotten it all anyway.



Show artwork for The Corona Diaries

About the Podcast

The Corona Diaries
Steve Hogarth
Lead singer of Marillion, father, hippy, punk, soul singer, progressive rockstar (wtf!), defender of the faith, voice of reason in a world gone crazy...

...and now podcaster.

Join me as I talk about my life and what is rambling around in my head.

Along the way I will focus on some of the stories that have shaped my career and my life, as well as reading from my diaries and offering my take on the wider world.

Stay safe,


P.S I began this journey just as CoVid-19 took hold and changed our lives, possibly forever, so it seems apt to reference that in the naming of the podcast.
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About your hosts

Steve Hogarth

Profile picture for Steve Hogarth
Lead singer/songwriter Marillion since 1989. 14 studio albums. Previously with How We Live and The Europeans in the 80's.
Teller of stories from an incident-prone life, citizen of the world, lover of all peoples, imperfect human being, voice of reason in a world gone crazy.

Anthony Short

Profile picture for Anthony Short
I have been tinkering with audio since my mid-teens, recording songs & producing content for friends.

Post university I embraced the world of retail, firstly in supermarkets and later in & around the music instrument industry.

After 20 years or so, I took a sideways step into podcasting and began a venture called ashortstories, which helps in the development & production of podcasts for anyone that has a story to tell.